
Grandmaster Nonato (Nene) Gaabucayan
While classical meditation is one way to silence the mind, there are many others. Exercises like Tai chi are often called meditation in motion. Balintawak is meditation in action. Meditation is all about staying in the present moment. In Balintawak, the student defends and teacher leads, guides, and ultimately attacks in a controlled manner that builds the students reaction time and tenacity. , if the defender starts thinking about what the leader might attack with (obsessing about the future), his reflexes will be compromised and will miss the next strike and get tagged. Similarly, if he makes a mistake and keeps thinking about his error (obsessing about the past) his reflexes will be compromised, will miss the next strike and get tagged. For our reflexes to remain at their sharpest, we must learn to forget about the future, not dwell on the past, and remain in the ever present moment.

Balintawak also emphasizes precision and control, which is why teacher and student can practice at high speeds but remain free of injury.
I studied under Grandmaster Gaabucayan for seven years in Los Angeles and am now teaching this wonderful art in the Detroit area.